I'm well into the challenge now (well, first week and a bit anyway) and I've spent more of it than I expected making mental lists and fretting over all the things I "need" to replace this year which I will now not be replacing.
I will admit that a little niggling voice has been chastising me for not having gone out and shopped up a storm before starting the challenge. For the record, this was definitely something I made a point of NOT doing as it's so against the spirit of the whole thing. We still have more "stuff" in this house than some whole villages will ever collectively own, something I'd like to remember, a lot.
Some of the ridiculous things I've stressed about are:
- All the towels we own;
- my gym gear;
- the carpets in the house (????? that's a first, hadn't even noticed them until this week).
I'm thinking this is retail withdrawal and that it will pass, hopefully in the next couple of days.
Apologies in advance though to all who share gym space with me as I will be looking very shabby, very soon, if not already. On the upside, I will be clean and so will my ratty old gym clothes, I promise.
I'm feeling really positive and excited that it is already making me think about things. Maybe I'm more of a retail junkie than I thought I was!
Keep you posted,